2024 Tournament Rules and Conditions

As of 2018, all ABT tournaments are required to use the USBGF Tournament Rules (Post of Rules for 2024 will be posted soon; pending revisions)

The NY Metropolitan Open will be using the following rule variations in accordance with the USBGF Tournament Rules


  • Dice Landing on Checkers
    Rule: Dice that land on top of checkers are generally valid rolls.
    *At NY Metro: “No dice on checkers: A die landing on top of a checker is not a valid roll.”
  • Legal Moves
    Rule: Any illegal play must be corrected if noticed by either player.
    *At NY Metro: “Responsible moves: The non-offending player may choose to condone an illegal move, or require its correction”.

*Please note: Players may use the standard rule for Dice Landing on Checkers and/or Legal Moves by mutual agreement.


Required:    use is required, no player choice;
Preferred:   either player may insist on use;
By Roll:        use is settled by the roll of high dice;
If Agreed:    use only if both players agree;
Per Player:  each player may make their own choice.

  • Clocks – Skill #1 (Open, Masters, etc.)
    Required (2/12)
  • Clocks – Skill #2 (Intermediate)
    Preferred (2/15)
  • Clocks – Skill #2 (Advanced Beginner, Beginner, etc.)
    If Agreed (2/15)
  • Clocks – Doubles
    Required (3/15)
  • Clocks – All other
    If Agreed (2/12)
  • Use two dice over four dice
    Required (changed from Preferred) – players may not agree to use four dice
  • Use non-expiring clock over tapping to end turn
  • Use baffle box over rolling from cups
    Per Player
  • Use cups with baffle box over hands
    If Agreed (changed from Preferred) – a player may not insist that cups be used

Other Tournament Conditions

  1. NY Backgammon reserves the right to refuse entry into the tournament and to refuse access to the premises with no reason required.
  2. No entrant will be allowed to play below his or her level.
  3. There will be NO phone conversations allowed in the playing room.

Please bring your own board and clock to the tournament.